• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US


If you’ve been following along with my Happiness Project, which I restarted again almost a year ago, the main focus for this year (though it wasn’t at first) is to SIMPLIFY and PREPARE.

As I’ve discussed before, I have had a decade or more of feeling as though “I don’t have time for this!” whatever “this” might be. This year’s goal has been to simplify. I’ve closed down projects that I’ve started in the past. I’ve gotten far more organized. I’ve been trying hard to limit the number of new projects I start. And while I still do have many days of feeling OVERWHELMED by what “needs” to get done, I’m finding that I have more and more days where I am not so overwhelmed.

Back in March, I saw Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time by Brigid Schulte mentioned somewhere (New Yorker? Time?) and put it on my “Stuff to Remember” list to be transferred to my “Books to Find” list. Not long after, I managed to order it from the library. Now that it has finally arrived 5+ months later, I have the feeling I should have just bought it back in March. If the book were mine, I’d have highlights and notes on every page. I’m saying “Yes, that!” over and over.

I’m still in the introduction section, but I hope that the chapters that follow will help me recognize some of my own pitfalls and guide me into finding a slower, less overwhelmed, more meaningful existence.

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