Baseball Season
Well honestly, I wouldn’t know except that Robbie Schaefer (XMKids) just announced all the games that XM is covering tonight (all of them I guess). Between our new favorite CD Pop Fly and today’s rainy morning of Wii Sports, Chloe decided that she really wanted “baseball lessons”. I gave her the next best thing; we
Random acts of useless information
Last week while I was under a deadline, Kat at Sunshine and Lemonade tagged me for a meme. My first. Soโฆhere are the rules:1. Link back to the person who tagged you. (Check)2. Post these rules on your blog. (Check)3. Share six unimportant things about yourself4. Tag six random people at the end of your
Things Fall Apart
I’m working on very little sleep this week. And today it showed. I took Chloe to gymnastics and was patting myself on the back about how I was still getting the girls where they needed to go even with the major deadline and lots of stress. When I got there, I noticed it was more
Locally Grown
Today I took a quick break from my work to head over to The Funny Farm to pick up some fresh from the local ground carrots, lettuce and herbs. And fresh flowers from our yard, even though I try to kill this particular plant whenever I see it: And then our kitty, Gazoo, who showed
She’s Got Our Genes
Our family is one of computer freaks. My folks met at IBM in the 60s. I have a doctorate in Computational and Applied Mathematics and work for a software company. Rob is an engineer that uses computers excessively in his research. Rob’s brother is also a computer guru, with a doctorate comparable to mine and
I’m Tired
I’ve been working for over 16 hours now, and I don’t see the end. Hopefully everything will be in place for the deadline of Friday. Kat, I’m not ignoring the meme, I just couldn’t think about anything else today. My brain is fried. I hope that I won’t get tons of edits tomorrow and can
Lunch Money
Today we headed out to see the final show in the Popcorn Music Series at The Melting Point in Athens. It is a fantastic venue; I sure wish we had something as cool as that closer to home! The band this month was Lunch Money. We’ve gone to see them perform in South Carolina, Brooklyn,
Driving Fun
Each week, when we come home from homeschool classes, we see the same trash truck pulled up on the grass across the street from the QT. We’re guessing that our return is timed with the QT-break. Twice now, we’ve seen the guys by the truck toss their wrappers/bags on the ground. Are you kidding me?
Gymnastics Misery
I woke up with a headache. As the day progressed, so did the headache. Responsibilities don’t stop, however. I got the girls to homeschool classes and managed to get quite a bit done while there. Back at home, I took some aspirin, but the headache remained. Driving to gymnastics was exhausting with as much energy
A Day in the Garden
I should have taken a before picture, as the after is much less impressive without knowing what the before looked like. Why is it that I have a release due during the most fabulous week of the year? It is so gorgeous outside, but I have to be working overtime this and next week. Ugh.
Tis the Season
At Target today, we found lots of gardening stuff in the dollar section. The girls picked out some “all-in-one” planting kits, and I picked out some things myself. This afternoon, we worked on planting our flowers, herbs, fruits and veggies (well, I guess tomatoes are technically fruits). How will they do? Only time will tell.
Two Mommies
Let me first state that we are very open to same-sex couples with children. No problem at all. I came home today from a stressful day of yard sales; stressful only because I was in charge (as neighborhood association president) and did not cancel the event. When the rain poured down, so did my tears.
Kill Amanda
If you’ve known me for longer than a couple of hours, you probably know that I am a huge Ralph’s World fan. We’ve been huge fans since earlier than Jan 2003 when we first heard him play at the Borders in Buckhead. Since then, we have seen him perform live many, many times in something
Gaming Girl
Chloe is our games nut. She loves to play games. Computer games, board games, card games, you name it. At home show loves playing Sorry!, Zeus on the Loose, Kitty Korner and more. Today at the cabin, she pulled out Triominos, and we had a great game outside on the deck.
Fort Mountain
I got up early and worked for a long time (3 hours?) before the girls got up — the man across the street started screaming for his dog, and woke them up. Camille helped Chloe get breakfast, then the girls made us a pb&j, carrots, pirate booty, grapes and more type lunch. (Yeah for having
Mini Getaway
The girls have no activities this week. None. I SO wanted to go away. Jekyll again, Florida, Alabama, Texas, somewhere, anywhere. BUT, I have a release due in a couple weeks and have too much work to do to really go anywhere. Instead, the girls and I packed up the car (and Rob loaded the
Rainy Day
Today, I spent some time catching up. A friend came over for a few hours to visit during the middle of the day. Tonight, the girls have friends sleeping over. So I haven’t gotten as much done as much as I had hoped, but the to-do list is shrinking at least. I may get enough
GBK Gwyneth