• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

I’ve ben working on my Happiness Project for a few months now, on and off. as January comes to a close, I decided to take stock and think about what I’ve been working on.

my commandments so far:
1. Be authentic.
2. No excuses.
3. Be in the moment.
4. Stop multitasking.

monthly projects:
May 2011: Diet
Jul 2011: Energy
Aug 2011: Cooking
Jan 2012: Do It Today

Ironically, the May-Aug 2011 projects have fallen to the wayside — not completely but somewhat. I’m still struggling with the “Diet” one – making sure I get enough water and that I’m eating better. I’ve backpedaled on cooking fresh and not drinking diet soda for the time being as I struggle with my Project 41; one day, I’ll get back to them.

The one “big” part of my Happiness Project that was never “formalized” was our downsize move to Decatur in the fall. I don’t know that I would have had the courage to take the leap if I hadn’t read the book and begun my project. As I read the book and considered what would be my “ideal life”, I realized that a large home which offered few walkable opportunities, despite being in a lovely hamlet full of wonderful neighbors, was not the right home for me. Instead of hoping for a move to an exotic local, I realized I could work on making a local move to a place that would give me many of the things I wanted, even if not all.

January’s project has been highly successful. I hate making hone calls and doing unfamiliar things, but I’ve forced myself to “Just Do It.” And I’ve gotten things done. My to-do ist has shrunk to a very manageable size. I don’t wake in fear of my to-do list. I know that I will now have time to pursue new crafts and projects after work and other daily chores. It is a great feeling! I’m hoping to try something new, yet small and manageable, each day. And so, I’m creating a pinterest collection of ideas.

flowers - 29 jan 2012

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