• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US
gazoo - 12 jun 2008
gazoo – 12 jun 2008

Early (well, maybe not SO early) this morning, the tree guys arrived to cut down one tree, and one trunk of another. Pine Lake, being so progressive, requires that homeowners get permission before removing trees, and we, being type A, of course, crossed the i’s and dotted the t’s. Well, it was done by email so we really type them and you know how I make typos.

Our wonderful kitty (the most amazing cat my girls have ever known — she lets them dress her up which is key) was SO excited by the commotion. She got on the kids’ table on the porch (the porch is up a story over the garage), but that wasn’t good enough. She wanted up on the railing to see what was going on. I was outside with her, on the phone with my mom. Gazoo jumped and, sadly, missed. She over-shot and ended up tumbling down 1.5 stories. She shot off before I could see her.

Gazoo comes for Chloe, so I woke her and got her to come call Gazoo before the chainsaws and chipping started. Gazoo came right away for her beloved Chloe. (Whew.) She was limping a little, but didn’t complain when I touched her rear, left leg. She spent the day hanging out on Chloe’s bed (even after Chloe put a teddy bear nightgown on her).

Chloe spotted a cut on the gimpy leg, but it doesn’t seem too bad. Gazoo is taking it slow today, but she’s playing, walking, eating, and hanging out. Poor girl. How horrible it must have been for her to fall that far.

As for the title, if you understood it, then you are a geek 🙂

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