• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

Here we are, preparing for our big trip. How? Me, tying up loose ends at work. Timesheets, weekly reports, and the actual work too. Rob, at the beach with the girls. Gazoo, well, see the earlier post.

Honestly, I have done no more than to get the laundry done and to gather electronics that may need batteries. Well, not quite. I did make arrangements for people to check on the house and Gazoo. Lots of neighbors will be keeping an eye out on the house. And then there’s “Hermione” to whom I’ve added books for my reading pleasure. We’ll see if I get a chance to use her. I’m not keen on the idea of taking her to the beach, but I might quickly overcome that fear if I get bored watching the girls play in the sand and surf.

(Note to self: pack buckets and shovels so we don’t end up buying yet another set.)

Rob has gotten the Japan Rail vouchers and picked up some hundreds of thousands of Yen (sounds like so much, but not really). Japan is a cash society. Unlike here, where I almost NEVER use cash. And only very specific ATMs take our cards (like post offices — and if they have hours like our post offices, sheesh).

He also tried to stop the mail. Now, we get mail at a PO Box (no home delivery in Pine Lake). The postmaster said there was no need to stop the mail. They’d just hold the overflow. Rob remarked that he’d feel better letting them know that we would be out of town for 2.5 weeks — our box can’t hold 2 days worth of our mail (what with catalogs, CDs and the rest). So she handed him a notepad to write down the details — huh? Isn’t there some official US government form for this? No, they are all out. Bureaucracy goes out the window in a small town, and I LOVE IT!

Tomorrow will be our big packing day. Plus, I hope to read more wikitravel about Okinawa, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Hakone and Tokyo. I have a good idea of what I’d like to go to in Hiroshima and Kyoto. hakone will reveal itself to us. Tokyo isn’t calling me. Let’s see if we end up at Tokyo Disneyland in the end!

I also need to get everything I need onto Nimbus (our personal laptop). Did I mention that we turned down the offer of a bigger room at the resort in Okinawa for a smaller one? Why, you ask? Because the bigger one doesn’t get the wireless connection. Internet over space, all the way.

Tomorrow: ALL books to the library, keys to multiple neighbors, fridge emptied.
Packing: five days of clothes (+ jammies, swimsuits, sweaters), batteries, activity books, toiletries (including sunscreen), food (I hope they let me bring in the peanut butter, crackers and lemonade I am brining along), the list grows and grows.

NOTE THE ABSENCE OF: diapers, strollers, car seats, baby food, slings and so on. We have ARRIVED at a easy traveling age!! Our last BIG trip overseas (Mexico doesn’t count) involved me schlepping two car seats and a stroller all over, up and down over High Street and The Mound. NOT FUN!

4 thoughts on “Japan Trip, Day -2

    • Author gravatar

      How exciting that you are not schlepping everything over there! And Japan is all about the cash? I *never* have cash on me.

      I am really looking forward to all the details of your trip. We leave on Saturday for San Antonio…and I’ll be blogging from there!

    • Author gravatar

      Yeah, I never have cash either. Strange.

      I really like “San Antone”. My folks live near Austin, and Rob and I met in grad school in Houston…

      I hate getting lost there, but with Tom, I’d be super cool. I love the Riverwalk, the Alamo, the art museum, the missions and the Mexican Market. The girls and I went just a couple of years ago, and I hope we return soon.

      I look forward to hearing about your trip.

    • Author gravatar

      Huh. I would not have guessed about Japan and cash. They’re so high-tech, I would not have expected that.

      I hope your trip is wonderful. I don’t remember traveling without diapers. Someday again!

      I love our post office. I haven’t gotten my mother-in-law to always remember the PO Box number, but it always gets to us anyway.

    • Author gravatar

      We love going to the post office too!

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