• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US
empty - 21 aug 2016
empty – 21 aug 2016

So many dreams. So little time. So little money. How do I prioritize? How do I decide what to pursue first? How do I decide what might even be possible?

While I made a few of those decisions when I outlined my Happiness Project, I find that I just don’t have the time or, discouragingly, the money to do all the things I want to do.

How do I get to where I want to be within the limits that I have? I remind myself to be patient, to create and work towards goals, to take it one step at a time. But I’m finding it hard to do these days. I wish I could be more optimistic about my future at the moment, but all I can see ahead of me is working, doing chores, and not having sufficient funds to do all the things I dream of doing.

How can I be happy pursuing dreams that I’ve just about given up on?

I’m trying to remind myself to start small. Pursue one dream at a time right now. Work towards long term goals by doing what I can do right now. Learn French. Exercise. Practice photography and guitar. Read and learn. Finding joy in the doing new things. But sometimes this spinning my wheels just seems quite pointless.

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