• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

After two months of intense, packed lists of things that needed to get done, we are settled. And all of a sudden, I am ungrounded. No longer facing huge piles of things that MUST GET DONE, I am feeling untethered, not sure what I’m supposed to be doing, flitting from one thing to another, but not really accomplishing anything at all.

Sure, I still have *things to do*, but without the pressure and the backlog, I’m not sure what to do first or how to proceed. So I’ve found myself watching tv (gasp) and websurfing (ugh) far more than I want to. Maybe that was my way of decompressing after the stress of moving? But, I’ve had enough of those mindless activities… they leave me feeling sluggish and miserable, which then leads to more sloth-like behavior.

So now it is time for me to remember what it is I need and like to do. I haven’t cooked more than a handful of “real” meals in the past two months. We’ve eaten a lot of frozen stuff from Trader Joe’s or tacos or pasta. But now, I have time to come up with meals and cook again, I think. I haven’t gotten much exercise beyond the heavy lifting and carrying involved in moving. Time to at least get out for a walk everyday, to start. I have been taking TERRIBLE photos lately. Time to work on recovering the (minimal) skill I’d gained and improve. I’ve been reading Camille’s (and Chloe’s) books. Time to find some non-YA books (not that I’ll give them up completely) to read.

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