• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

Looking for some inspiration for just about every aspect of my life today (hello, mid-life crisis!), I stumbled across The Daily Post, an “an experiment in blogging motivation from the folks at WordPress.com”. Today’s topic is Topic: What is the bravest thing?

The question immediately brought to mind a blog post I read earlier today Just How Brave Are You? from 1 Dad, 1 Kid, 1 Crazy Adventure.

My answer: Not brave, not brave at all. And especially not in the manner he describes: Being brave enough to be authentically myself. Being myself is actually quite terrifying. What if people don’t like me? What if they find out, if they haven’t already, that I am not particularly clever? Or whatever?

I’m tired of trying to be someone who I am not. Honestly, I am not even really sure who I am. But, starting right now, I pledge to be authentic. This does not mean being lazy and not working towards self-improvement goals. I will still strive to be a better person each day, but I will strive to be a better version of ME, not of someone else. This scares me, but I will be brave. Brave enough to be me.

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1 thought on “What is the bravest thing?

    • Author gravatar

      I hope you find some freedom in your decision to be authentic. I know for me I can relate to your feelings of “what if they don’t like me”. I think the greatest personal accomplishment a person can achieve is becoming comfortable in their own skin and finding rest and contentment there. To know you are loved with an everlasting love and uniquely designed to do and be the person you are. There is none like you… You are one of a kind and if you weren’t here it wouldn’t be the same.
      But I still want people to like me…. 😉

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