• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

When planning this work-related trip to Texas, I knew that the girls and I were not really ready to leave home once again. I had hoped that things would work out so I could go on another work trip at another time, but that didn’t happen. As I really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with a number of my co-workers, I decided that we would make the most of it.

I spent 2.5 days at meetings down at “Big Pink” on the IBM Austin campus. Boy, did I feel like a real Texan driving my dad’s pickup down and back each day (okay, it’s the runt in the litter of Texas trucks, but it is a truck…)! I was impressed with myself for having the foresight to dig out the IBM badge that was mailed to me almost two years ago and never used; my ego got a boost from being able to open doors locked to mere humans! Yeah, not really so exciting, but I have to admit it felt great…after being so isolated for the past couple of years, it was a wonderful reminder that, yes, I do work for a company.

Despite being a satellite member of the team that was meeting, I was warmly welcomed by most. My PhD advisor had developed the product in question, so my background allowed me to follow all of the discussions. I sat between two people with whom I work on a regular basis, one of whom is my mentor at my (not so new) job. And my “on the books” manager was there, leading the whole shebang. I felt right at home. And connected. Part of a larger purpose. Inspired, renewed and revitalized.

I do wish that the corporation could see how important annual face to face meetings are for the organization. I’ve always worked from home; I finished my PhD from 1000 miles away from my university. I can handle the isolation and the self-regulation necessary to “separate” work and home. I must save the company overhead costs associated with having to maintain an office space for me.. But working from home *is* isolating. A time of “reconnection” and face-to-face brainstorming and discussion is mandatory in maintaining strong communication.

I head back tomorrow for another day of meetings. I look forward to seeing some additional coworkers and learning a whole lot more.

I’ve enjoyed my time with my somewhat coworkers and do feel more inspired an motivated as a result, so this trip was quite useful. I can only hope that I get to see the rest of my team and my “functional” manager in the near future as well.

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