• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

We parked in our usual parking spot at Union Station, went to the bookstore and then walked up to XM to see The Verve Pipe in the Rumpus Room. The sidewalks were mostly clear, so the walk was actually quite pleasant. As we got to XM, Kenny came out the front door, so we stopped and gave him a potholder. He proceeded to place it on his head and thank Chloe for the new hat. When we got o the upstairs waiting room, I remembered then that I forgot again to bring WD-40 for that squeaky table. Robbie came by and Camille gave him a potholder. Then Mindy came by and we gave her hers; Mindy’s expecting her second child and has got a cute little bump now!

The Rumpus Room wasn’t very crowded; most of the kids were pre-school age since the show was during the day on a school day. Chloe explained to everyone how the Rumpus Room audience always pretends to be asleep when the band takes the “stage”. The band came out, quietly as to not disturb the naps, and started with, fittingly, “Wake Up!” We were blown away from the start. The girls and I just love their “A Family Album” CD and have had it in constant rotation since we got it. During “Be A Part of the Band”, Griff kept us in stitches as he searched everywhere for his lost harmonica — on the floor, in his socks, behind the chairs. He finally found it in his back pocket, just in time for the harmonica solo. Chloe and I got up and danced for “Complimentary Love” but mostly the crowd was quiet — that’s the only thing that could have made the show better — more fans in the audience. Nevertheless, the band gave it their all and appeared to enjoy playing for us. They did one a capella song, which came across so well. I cannot wait to hear the show on the air!!

The second to the last song was “Cereal.” At the very end of the song, Brian turned his guitar over his head and dumped a few boxes of cereal that had been in his guitar the WHOLE time over his head, up his nose, down his shirt, all over the floor. It was great! As soon as he coughed up the bits that went down his throat, they went into “All You Need is Love” to finish up the show. The whole thing was super fun! Afterwards, we hung out for a while to chat with everyone. It is always so much fun for us to be there in the Rumpus Room! I can’t wait until our next adventure!

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