• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

The cabin is our New Years’ Eve gathering spot. Phil, Barbara, Rob, Camille, Chloe and I gather to play outdoors and in as well as have a second Christmas. This year we are joined by the hissing cousins: our kity Gazoo and Suze’s cats (who live with Phil and Barbara) Q-Tip and Sadie.

barbara - 31 dec 2008

After our adventurous day of geocaching, we had a quiet evening. We had some snacky appetizer type foods, and then found a movie. I picked out “Her Majesty” from the Netfliz on-demand, and it turned out to be a really good movie! The one problem is Netflix does not have closed captioning for on-demand and that crowd of people and animals means we miss the dialogue often. I’d suggest the movie to anyone learning about New Zealand and/or colonization.

I had a little bit of quiet reading (nap) time, then it was time to ring in the New Year! Via the computer, we watched the ball drop. As is our tradition, we had brownies and champagne (ginger ale for the girls) to celebrate.

brownies - 31 dec 2008

Also on New Year’s, we open gifts. I always think that we should open them as on Christmas. In the morning of New Year’s Day. But every year I get overruled and we end up opening them before that time. This year we opened them after midnight. Chloe was quite expressive, loving her gifts. Camille too was pleased with hers. I could not find the gift cards that came with the gifts I had bought, so I was disappointed in myself.

midnight - 31 dec 2008

Everyone went to bed quite late, obviously.

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