• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

Lately on our trips to DC, Chloe has refused to go out. This refusal is difficult since the reason we go to DC, besides to see Rob, is to take advantage of all the city has to offer. Chloe does like to go out (not everyday — she’s a homebody), but her tiny little self gets cold quite easily and her legs get tired. At least that’s what she says. (I don’t think that is all there is to it. I also think that she hates being bored, and when she is bored, she concentrates on the negative instead of the positive. I’m trying to work with her on this attitude, help her learn to find the lemonade, but it is slow.)

Inauguration Day was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She started having a fit as soon as we stepped out of the apartment. Rob had to carry her most of the day. She was cranky, miserable and as much as I hate to admit it, she made me absolutely cranky and miserable. It was so bad that I made some crazy threats about not coming back to DC and not taking her on trips anymore.

Two days later, as I looked back at the situation, I realized that neither of us had had enough sleep the night before, which was a bad mix with the cold and the walking we did to go to the inauguration. Moreover, while I could tell her it was an important event, she doesn’t understand why as well as Camille does. I was making her go “for her own good”. Not good.

So Chloe and I brainstormed. What could be a solution to the problem? How can we go places, since one of the things I love to do is to take the girls to new places? We need to make it so her legs and feet don’t get tired, and she doesn’t get too cold (she refuses to wear snowpants or too many layers).

The first possible solution?

stroler - 27 jan 2009

Yes, this solution will probably make traveling more difficult. I am used to us grabbing our backpacks and going. One big extra thing is going to be a pain. But I have my fingers crossed that it will bring more pluses than minuses. I had a few moments of my pride get in the way before I agreed to it; a friend chatted with me and helped me past that. Chloe is not embarrassed at all about being 6.5 and needing a stroller. In fact, she is quite proud of it. Now we need to work on the terms of use…I’m not taking it everywhere!!

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