• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

kindleI’ve been debating for a month now whether to spend the money on this new piece of technology. Generally, I am not on the bleeding edge; I wait for the hoopla (and price) to come down before jumping on the bandwagon. Second-generation technology is good enough.

But with our upcoming 2.5 week trip, I was going nuts trying to figure out how Camille could carry enough books to keep her busy on the planes, trains and, well, pirate ships (though I think a trip on a pirate ship will be entertaining without any books to read).

How could she carry them? Not possible. How was I going to buy her books in English through the land of the rising sun? Perhaps possible, but unlikely.

Then, yesterday, I got on the computer (yeah, what else is new) and saw that there were quite a few of her history spines for the coming year available as Kindle books. That settled it. Our new Kindle arrives in a few days, and I’m looking for books for Camille and I to download to it.

Unfortunately, its wireless is through Sprint and only works int he US. However, books can be loaded onto it via USB from a computer, so we will still be able to add books, as long as we can get a connection to the internet.

But Kindle? This is not to kindle Camille’s reading flame? It’s simple helping to fuel it in a more efficient manner.

5 thoughts on “Kindle Me Not

    • Author gravatar

      I had such a big reaction against this thing when I first heard about it but have slowly come round. There is just no cuddling up in a chair with a plastic kindle in your lap. Or is there? Any thing that can make more books possible is good. I get it now. I love the list of books she reads. I’ll use it for inspiration.

      Pirate ship? Land of the Rising Sun? I can’t wait to hear more about your trip.

    • Author gravatar

      Oh, I cannot wait to hear your review of this! I want one…I read quite a few e-books anyway…but I do tend to get lots of books at the library…but then again…to not have to lug them on a trip…Oh, such a quandry!

      I think everytime I have looked, it was not available…might have to start thinking about it again. Or put it on my Christmas list…

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      Madeline – no, I don’t expect that cuddling with a kindle would give the same pleasure. But, given that Camille read two novels a day, I just can’t see how we can travel with that many books. And really, on a flight to Japan, there’s not much else to do beside watch movies, is there?

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      Kat – We too get 95% of our books at the library. But I don’t fancy hauling 25+ books on a trip.

      Plus, with Rob living in DC next year and us not sure what’s going to happen, it was nice to see “A little History of the world” and “The story of Mankind” each for about $2 on kindle (too bad we already bought the real books at full price). And SOTW is coming soon too, I think.

      A lot of the classics are only $1 or so. I’m still exploring what’s there, and I imagine what’s available grows every day. Since it isn’t bestsellers or recent releases that we want, I think they books we want to have on it are pretty cheap.

      And I’ve heard it has free wikipedia!!

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      This is where it would be wonderful to have a Kindle! I hope it goes well on your trip. Packing books for me is always an ordeal, so I can see how handy it would be, even if it will never replace books entirely 🙂

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