• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US
nightvale - 1 nov 2015
nightvale – 1 nov 2015

How does this work? How do we help Camille find a school that’s a good fit for her? Am I doing this right?

I know, the search has to be hers. About what works for her. But as her guide in this, I’m feeling like the blind leading the blind. I have no idea what I’m doing. Sure, I’ve been reading books since the summer. I’m getting ideas on how to go about it.

So far we’ve looked at the mailings she has received (a lot). We’ve played with some of the online search tools (pretty cool). But now it is time to get serious and start planning to visit schools.

Last weekend, we spent a long time on schools in and near NYC in preparation for our trip there in a couple of months. We used the tools. We asked on Facebook. We looked at the websites of the schools that came up. We eliminated many and came up with a nice short list.

Do we do this for every state? Do we just toss out all the states in the middle? Camille has ideas of being in a city, being somewhere not too cold (well, NYC doesn’t fit that criteria), and being at a school strong in the liberal arts. I think she’d be happier at a small to medium sized school, but she likes the wide range of courses available at larger schools.

How do we know what’s right???

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