• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US
snow - 17 dec 2012
snow – 17 dec 2012

As with last winter here in Atlanta, I fear the only snow that we are going to see this year is the fake kind. Maybe the weather will actually turn chillier at some point, but for now the girls and I have to accept this weird fake stuff. (Though Chloe, heading to Massachusetts for a few days at the end of the month, may have a chance to see the real stuff.)

And, after last night, we’ve now seen the fake stuff twice this year. The first was right here in Decatur at the Little Shop Tree Lighting.

And then last night. I bought “free” tickets to the Larry, Carols and Mo event at the Fox. The girls and I took the train into the “city” and met Rob there. We were at the start of the line, so when the doors opened for this general admission event, we managed to secure Chloe’s favorite seats. The girls brought books to read, but Chloe seems to have the expectation that if we go to the theater or the movies, she’s due a “treat”.

The music was so-so, most probably because the mics and sound were not right.

The snow was BEAUTIFUL. And who doesn’t appreciate a night at the Fox when taking pictures doesn’t get you kicked out??

The movie, The Grinch, was one I swear I’ve seen, but obviously at home where I’m probably doing four things at once. How nice to get to sit and ENJOY a movie (even if girlie was getting restless and tired).

Once home, a first for me — walking the DOG late just because we left him alone for FIVE hours. While out, we ran into a movie crew packing up after a long day of filming on our block. (Single Mom’s Club, maybe??)

fox - 17 dec 2012
fox – 17 dec 2012
fox - 17 dec 2012
fox – 17 dec 2012

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