• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US
manhattan - 30 apr 2012

While Camille and I were in NYC a few months ago, we needed to find somehting we could do Monday morning with our backpacks. I had been trying to get the girls to take a Circle Line cruise for years, and I decided that would work well. We walked down to the pier; when we got there we seemed to be at the end of the line for the 2-hour cruise. In order to improve our chances at getting good seats, I paid for us to have “VIP” status. With that, we moved right to the front of the line and boarded immediately. With a pick of any seat on the boat, I decided that the final row on the top deck would give us the best views. and it did. In addition, it gave us a little extra room for storing our packs. Unfortunately, it was also very, very windy. Camille put on her sweatshirt and then my windbreaker over that.

We had great views of the Empire State Building, One WTC (which grew to be the largest building in NYC while we were out on the cruise), Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge and more. Camille and I both really enjoyed the trip. The food (free with out VIP Pass) was less than spectacular, though.

1 WTC - 30 apr 2012
statue of liberty - 30 apr 2012
brooklyn bridge - 30 apr 2012
circle line - 30 apr 2012

This is an entry for Delicious Baby’s Photo Friday.

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