• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

As you probably know, I’m not a huge fan of clutter. One way to stop the clutter from becoming an issue is, of course, to make sure that there is a net outflow of crap from the house. I don’t buy plastic junkies for the girls. I discourage them from buying it for themselves — I think this is finally starting to sink in.

But it seems that every event or party ends with them having plastic junk … or candy. Last year, for the Pine Lake Easter Egg Hunt, I had the idea of passing out sunflowers as the “swag”. Overall, I think the kids were not disappointed to not end up with plastic junk and candy.

And, the tradition continued this year! The volunteers for this year’s egg hunt had a “felted egg” party where they made colorful felted eggs for the prizes. Some were worried that the kids might be disappointed with these prizes, but all the kids I saw seemed to be quite pleased with their swag!

One step at a time away from the plastic junk and candy… one step at a time.

felted egg

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