• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

Bags of books, of course.

While, given that we are packing and unpacking more often than not, we have our packing down to a science, our packing style varies wildly, based on where we are going, how we are going to get there and how long we’ll be there.

For instance, as we headed off by plane for four days in NYC, the girls and I each packed a backpack. That’s it. For our three week trip to Turkey, the girls and I shared two roll-abourd bags and each carried a backpack. The less you carry with you, the easier it is. (Though I can’t imagine going this far.)

For our week-long pilgrimage to grandma’s house in Texas via car? Our last stop before hitting the road was the library… Our bags of books and computers (yes, that’s plural — we brought three) surely took up more room and weight three times as much as our clothes. Thankfully, neither girl is prone to carsickness, so the fourteen hour drive is filled with homeschooling activities and leisure reading.

Backpacks for NYC
Bags and Books
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