• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

I got the girls up very early to try to adjust them a little bit. I drove Rob to the train station, then worked during the morning. The girls and I finished packing and headed to the Apple Store and then the airport. Our gate was T01.

We passed the time in the airport at Starbucks, where the kids ate some yogurt and grapes and carrots and cheese. I wanted something iced (hot day!) and not caffeinated Starbucks (need to sleep on the plane as we arrive at 6am), but there was only ONE choice! The girls wanted to play checkers on the checkerboard tables, but they didn’t have checkers. And there were no vegetarian sandwiches or salads. But, we had a nice place to sit and there was a convenient outlet for me.

Our first disappointment on boarding was the lack of individual tvs! Chloe was so distraught that she fell asleep even before we pushed back from the gate. Also, though it is July, there were only June Sky magazines available. Since we’ve flown three times in June already, this was a bummer – no new crossword, no new sudoku.

A bit of turbulence is making the flight uncomfortable; hopefully the air will get smoother as we move along. Camille is watching the movie, one choice only, “17 Again.” I just hope that the movie selection stays “family friendly,” though I have no way of telling without a JULY issue of the SKY magazine…


5pm time for snack. Why can’t we just skip to dinner, since it is already 11pm in France — seems like a reasonable time for dinner, n’est pas?

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