silly girl
Chloe can be a very silly girl sometimes.
cool blues
Camille and Chloe both enjoyed taking a spin in Rob’s boat today. The water was very calm – they were in the pool. Chloe was frustrated because her arms are too short for her to be able to paddle around.
our radio station
The radio station is coming along great! I still don’t have a great procedure for updating, but I am working on it. We tried to change some songs every day, but I’d like to change the whole playlist every day if I can figure out how to do it efficiently. Live365 broadcast GooneyBird Blog
pink flowers
These pretty guys were hanging out at the park where we had our homeschool “Not Back to School Party” today.
stop means stop
It is the first month of school. But I cannot believe that so many people have forgotten that when a school bus is flashing its red lights, it means stop. Yesterday, I spotted an oncoming bus with yellow flashing lights. It stopped and so did I. The taxi behind it passed this bus whose red
fall approaches
Signs of the impending arrival of cooler weather.
Okay, we’ve been home for over seven days
and I’m starting to get that urge to GO! I don’t have a trip planned until September 7th….that’s a long stretch for us, for sure. The girls are happy to get to see their friends, and this week they’ll see a lot of their friends at their many activities. So I’ll sit on my hands
what’s up with that?
The past two days, Chloe (age 4) has gone out of her way to pick up after herself and help me with other chores around the house. I don’t think she’s “angling” for anything, but she is certainly proud of all the work she has done, such as making her bed, putting away her clean
dealing with boredom
While I’ve heard bits and pieces of the current discussion regarding the boredom of parenting, I have not searched for nor read the article by the bored momma. Sorry. I guess I’m just not bored enough to go and find it. I ask myself, do I find parenting boring? Yes, sometimes the monotony can be
kids in atlanta
I’ve started yet another blog. Kids in Atlanta is a blog highlighting children’s musicians who will be performing in Atlanta. I kept the name a little generic in case I decide to add other interesting happenings sides music. Please have a look and send me any happenings that you know about!
gooney bird music
Yesterday for fun, I created a radio station with a playlist that focuses on kids’ songs about rainy days. It’s not as great as I’d like it to be, but I’m constrained by what music I actually own, which isn’t much right now! Camille would like to be able to DJ and comment about songs,
with ella jenkins
Yesterday we attended Ella Jenkins’s concert at Playforming Arts in Buckhead. The venue was a perfect size, and the crowd really enjoyed the performance. Amazingly enough, Ella remarked that she turned 82 last week. Ella impressed me greatly when she told me not to force the reluctant Chloe to have a picture taken with her.
GBK Gwyneth