• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

Coming up this week:

7: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and Daniel Boone Day and National Moonshine Day

8: World Oceans Day and Best Friends Day and National Get Outside Day and Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

9: National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day and Donald Duck’s Birthday

10: Iced Tea Day and Ball Point Pen Day

11: National Corn on the Cob Day and ET movie premieres and Kamehameha Day and Hug Holiday and National German Chocolate Cake Day and National Flip Flop Day

12: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day and Red Rose Day and National Rosé Day

13: Sewing Machine Day and Kitchen Klutzes of America Day and Weed Your Garden Day and National Children’s Day

Our celebrations from week 22:

1: National Go Barefoot Day

2: National Rocky Road Day

rocky road – 2 jun 2021

3: National Egg Day

4: National Cheese Day

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