happiness project: friends/family/social networks
Thrive, Project 46, and the monthly projects in my Happiness Project … so many projects! In reality, they are all facets of the same project, guiding me to finish or give up old projects and move forward on the ones that are most important to me.
December’s main theme was Health & Self-Care. While not perfect, it was a great month. With the help of the trainer, I am getting stronger, more flexible, and losing weight. I’ve also been doing a lot better about brushing and flossing.
January’s main theme is “Friends/Family & Social Networks”. I’m going to once again try to send out birthday cards and perhaps gifts. Buying gifts is a huge stress for me, and I hope that maybe I can get to a place where I don’t have a panic attack every Christmas about gift giving. I hope to get together with friends more often and to reach out a bit more, but with an increase in work hours, I’m not sure yet how I can manage it along with going to the gym.
Other smaller projects I want to work on include revisiting my personal mission statement, sorting out my underthings and socks, restocking the first aid kits, cleaning the girls’ wing, updating our budget, organizing my iTunes, reading one non-fiction book, and adding a calming tea a day.
As usual, whatever doesn’t get done gets cycled back into the plan at a later date. I’ve crossed off a number of ongoing projects in the past month, and I look forward to getting more things organized and done as well as progressing in the longer-term projects.

GBK Gwyneth
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