happiness project: travel
Thrive, Project 46, and the monthly projects in my Happiness Project … so many projects! In reality, they are all facets of the same project, guiding me to finish or give up old projects and move forward on the ones that are most important to me.
September’s main theme was Learning. I don’t have time to sign up for a real French class right now, but I continued with my Duolingo. I also attended a Python meetup and went to a book talk. I updated my “Books to read” list and have been better about getting books out from the library.
October’s main theme is “Travel”. As we are now a little more organized after the chaos of this summer, I am trying to plan a few trips for us, and hopefully we will get to travel a little bit soon. Some camping, a visit to the cabin, maybe a beach trip, and other trips are in the works.
Other smaller projects I want to work on include weight training at the gym, sorting out my pajamas, updating the Arabiascape blog, organizing my iTunes, continuing to work on my resume, updating emergency planning and house documents as necessary, creating a personal seal, and cleaning the office.
As usual, whatever doesn’t get done gets cycled back into the plan at a later date. I’ve crossed off a number of ongoing projects in the past month, and I look forward to getting more things organized and done as well as progressing in the longer-term projects.

GBK Gwyneth
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