happiness project: blogs + misc (jun)
Thrive, Project 46, and the monthly projects in my Happiness Project … so many projects! In reality, they are all facets of the same project, guiding me to finish or give up old projects and move forward on the ones that are most important to me. May’s main theme was Volunteering. At the moment, I

celebrations: week 22 (29 may – 4 jun 2017)
We managed lots of celebrations this week – GRADUATION! But maybe not these scheduled ones…. Coming up this week: 29: Memorial Day and Paper Clip Day and International Coq Au Vin Day and National Biscuit Day 30: Ice Cream Freezer Patented and National Mint Julep Day 31: National Macaroon Day June: 1: National Go Barefoot

dreaming of fall.
It’s been a lovely few days, but life has gotten in the way of my hikes at Arabia these past few months. Hoping things will settle down next fall, and I will be able to get back out to the mountain once again.

celebrations: week 21 (22-28 may 2017)
We only managed lots of celebrations this week! But maybe not these scheduled ones…. Coming up this week: 22: Buy-A-Musical Instrument Day and National Vanilla Pudding Day and Chardonnay Day 23: World Turtle Day and National Taffy Day Try to be like the turtle – at ease in your own shell. – Bill Copeland 24:

look up (and swing).
Only 3 or 4 months before I can get back to Arabia…. Trying to keep up and get ahead during the hot summer months so that I will be ready!

photo friday: driftwood beach
A beautiful, surreal beach. And every time we’ve gone – it is practically deserted!

celebrations: week 20 (15-21 may 2017)
We only managed one celebration this past week… Coming up this week: 15: National Chocolate Chip Day 16: Wear Purple for Peace Day and National Sea-Monkey Day and Biographer’s Day and Love a Tree Day 17: National Cherry Cobbler Day and Pack Rat Day 18: National Cheese Souffle Day and Visit Your Relatives Day Classic

look up (again).
Looking up at Arabia. I can’t wait until fall comes around again!

rediscovering books.
Don’t get me wrong. Books have always been central to my life. After grad school, I could only read fluff. My head was filled, no room for anything else. While pregnant with Camille, I read everything I could get my hands on about childbirth and babies. Once Camille was born, my reading was all about

photo friday: mini-golf
I am usually not a fan of mini-golf, but Chloe and I had a great time golfing while on Jekyll!

circles – 11 may 2017
So many circles, everywhere we go!

letters about literature.
A surprise award! Camille submitted her “Letter about Literature” independently (as opposed to the other winners who had their essays submitted via their schools) and won third prize in her age category. While the award is a statewide award, the ceremony was here in Downtown decatur at our library, and the prize was a gift

celebrations: week 19 (8-24 may 2017)
We only managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 8: Have a Coke Day and National Coconut Cream Pie Day and World Red Cross Red Crescent Day 9: National Butterscotch Brownie Day 10: Clean up Your Room Day and National Astronomy Day and National Shrimp Day 11: Twilight Zone Day

The day that the world flipped upside down.

photo friday: sand dollars
You have to watch where you step, because the beach at Jekyll is littered with these guys. I’m never sure if I should toss them back into the ocean or leave them where they are …

circles – 4 may 2017
This week’s circles were seen on Jekyll Island.

On a whim, I pulled the car off the street. We walked a bit. I whispered to Chloe “Do you hear it?” She replied “What?” “The silence.” Other than a few birds, we heard nothing. Nothing. Living in downtown, we are never in a quiet zone. Even when there are no cars, trucks, buses, we

happiness project: volunteering + misc (may)
Thrive, Project 46, and the monthly projects in my Happiness Project … so many projects! In reality, they are all facets of the same project, guiding me to finish or give up old projects and move forward on the ones that are most important to me. April’s main theme was Cooking/Creations. At the moment, I

GBK Gwyneth