• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US
paris - 13 oct 2015
paris – 13 oct 2015

I have NEVER been a quitter. If I start something, I see it through. In many ways, that’s
been a good thing. When times are tough, I buckle down and see it through. That’s why I’m DR. Gwyneth. How many times did I think of just quitting, but know that I CAN DO this. And found myself doing it?

But these days, I seem to have become a quitter. But in a good way. Lately I’ve been seeing (maybe only because I’ve been thinking about it) lots of posts about quitting. Quitting your job. Quitting reading books that you aren’t interested in. Quitting. Quitting. Quitting.

My own questions for myself are:
When do you quit? When do you persevere? and When do you decided to keep with it only to tie off the loose ends?

Because you don’t have to simply quit. You can acknowledge that you need to leave, but then be sure to clean up the messes before you leave.

And that’s my strategy these days for everything. I decided over four years ago that it was time to start letting go of various obligations. I didn’t walk away leaving a mess. I made it known that I was planning to move on and then … TIED UP LOOSE ENDS. It has taken me four years to tie them all up — those were some long ropes there — but I’ve done it.

I think this is what has bothered me about books like “Eat. Pray. Love” and “Wild”. For those of us with obligations, we can’t just toss it all aside. At least in my mind. And I despise the people who do. Not out of jealousy, but out of sympathy for the people who are left behind to clean up the messes.

Along my quitting journey, I’ve picked up new obligations, but I’ve been more cognizant of keeping things in a place where I can more easily walk away if I ever need to do so. And if I don’t like the book? I don’t finish it. I don’t like the podcast? Moe on to the next one. Don’t like that article? Start the next one. This was hard for me at first, but I’m learning. My hour on the treadmill hurting after 40 minutes? Keep going. Because that’s a goal that has real meaning to me.

And so even though it has taken me a few years, I’m entering my place. Most (but not all – I still have kids at home!) of what I do is to further my own goals. I’m working, exercising, learning, and spreading my wings. I’m ridding myself of the drudgery, even while making sure that I honor my obligations.

I aim for a balance, and I’m reaching it.

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