atlanta: yellow river game ranch
As the year is starting to come to a close, I’ve been looking over our various lists and projects, figuring out what we haven’t done yet that we had hoped to do this year. On Chloe’s 2013 list was the Yellow River Game Ranch. Although we did spend a coupe hours there back in February to watch the groundhog’s prediction, we didn’t have the time to stay and see the animals.
After we got back from our outing to the Scarecrows in the Garden, Chloe, two of her friends and I headed out to visit the game ranch. I can’t believe that in all these years of living here, we hadn’t been. I should have been taking Chloe every week when she was little. She has always loved petting zoos and zoos and aquariums, and this little place was just the right size and perfect. We grabbed some feed at the start and the girls fed the deer, llamas, goats and everything else.

GBK Gwyneth
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