photo friday: tybee island beach
For Chloe’s September break from school, I managed to take two long weekends. For the first long weekend, we headed off to Orlando to visit Legoland and Harry Potter World.
But for the second weekend, we got to visit a place that I’ve been wanting to visit for a long time…. Tybee Island! I reseved a spot at the only campground on the island, River’s End campground. While our stay there was far from ideal, we made the best of it, enjoying the pool and the movie nights that were available there.
Our first evening was spent trying to get the lay of the land. While I had been told over and over again that Tybee is a quiet little undeveloped place, I found it far from that at first. We found beaches we couldn’t access or use. We found a very busy street that was miserable to bike on. Thankfully, the next day we managed to find a public access beach within easy biking distance of the campground and spent a lovely afternoon on the (quite crowded) beach. The next day, our final day, we packed up Evie and headed to another beach — not in easy biking distance from the campground. We managed to print out a parking receipt yet still get a parking ticket. Again, the beach was pleasant enough but quite crowded.
While I’m glad we went, I’m not sure I’d plan another camping trip to Tybee. Renting a house might be nice, but I’ve seen many other beaches that I’d prefer to return to in the future. What Tybee has going for it? It is the closest beach to our home, a major plus.
This is an entry for Delicious Baby’s Photo Friday.
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GBK Gwyneth
Bummer about the parking ticket! Sometimes vacations aren’t quite what they’re cracked up to be, but always worth it!