• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

Scenes from the road: Not a typical school run

1. Lock balcony doors. Check.
2. Turn off and pack computers. Check.
3. Unlock balcony doors and let the cat in (oops). Check.
4. Take out trash. Check.
5. Grab vacuum and haul into common hallway to clean up coffee grinds that dumped out of the trash bag when it broke on its way down the hall to the chute. Check.
6. Haul suitcases, cooler, backpacks out to car. Check.
7. Zoom across town and wait in carpool line for girl. Check.
8. Drive 450 miles, off and on through heavy rain, in 7 hours to reach Rob and Camille who had *flown* that distance earlier. Check.
9. Sit and enjoy looking at the view of the castle before falling asleep for a few hours. Check.

contrast - 22 mar 2012
rain - 22 mar 2012
clouds - 22 mar 2012
disney - 22 mar 2012
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