Written by GBK Gwyneth14 April, 2011
U-Joint – 14 apr 2011
friends . photo-a-day Article
As I’ve mentioned, Thursday is my very least favorite day of the week. It starts out with me being on a conf call while getting the girls out the door and to Decatur for classes. Then 4.5 hours in the kind of building that drives me nuts. Add in the library and an hour in another building that makes me cranky, you’ll know why I hate Thursdays. On top of that, I had a meeting in PL to go to in the evening.
BUT! This Thursday was great! I talked Eurovans with a friend, who then took charge of the girls while I went home and worked. And then onto lunch at a lovely outdoor restaurant with a group of friend; I only had a diet coke, but the camaraderie was what I could only dream of. I felt so lucky and happy!!
GBK Gwyneth
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