• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

My 1001st post: A post about blogging

I don’t kid myself that lots of people are waiting with bated breath to see what I will write next. This isn’t a blog about attracting a readership or even for providing information about a topic. It is simply my little outlet. I know I’m not the world’s funniest or most inspring writer; I’m not clever nor witty. I don’t expect anyone who happens to read this blog to be moved by what I write.

I saw on twitter that there was some “news” about mommy blogging this week. I’m a mommy and I write a blog, but I am not a mommy blogger. As a matter of fact, I don’t read many of the “mommy blogs” out there. I had subscribed to a few of them years ago, but the only one I still read on any regular basis is mamapundit. The others generally don’t move or inspire me, but I keep on looking for more interesting writers (and I know I don’t fall in that category). But that’s me, and I am clearly not very hip …

I don’t make money off of any of my blogs. No advertising, no sponsors. (Though my kids’ music blog and radio station has earned me some “freebies” like CDs and, on rare occasions, concert tickets, believe me, I’ve spent far more on kids’ music than I could ever calculate.)

So, if my purpose isn’t to build readership, make money, share information, why do I write here? It is my outlet, pure and simple. Read along if you’d like to join the journey…

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