Roadtrip: Cocoa Beach, FL
At the last minute, we decided to take advantage of our week off from work and activities and head to Florida. I hadn’t been to the beach recently enough and Rob thought it would be a good idea to visit with his parents’. We decided to spend one night at Cocoa Beach and visit Kennedy

Travels in Turkey: Final Thoughts
Travels in Turkey, Part 12 of 12 When I started this series of posts on our trip to Turkey, I had no idea I’d be finishing up with it in the last week of the year. But, here it is, just days away form 2011. Needless to say, Turkey was our biggest family trip of
what i learned today
random: How Not to Wreck a Nonstick Pan travel: I’d love to build up my confidence enough to do something like this….Lost in China always open on Abby: Google Reader (tab in Chrome) to do list (tab in Chrome) Facebook (tab in Chrome) Apple Mail Socialite (I’m still looking for a better twitter app) what
I can hardly believe that 2010 is coming to a close .. and that Christmas has already been celebrated. But, alas, it has. Our lights and tree will stay up until the 6th, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m not at all ready to take down all of our holiday decorations! As is our family

Travel Tuesday: Weekly Favorites
This week has a bit of travel in it, at last, as I write from the gulf coast of Florida today! I love what I’ve been reading out there on the web, and I’d love to share my highlights with you. Here are some of my favorites from the week: DIY Holidays: Joanna Goldberg sends

Mondays are for Dreaming: Knowing When to Divert the Flow
As I sit here, watching the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean, I am having a difficult time dreaming of being anywhere else at the moment. Despite the frigid temperatures, the beach is still the place I dream of the most. I love visiting and learning about other places, of course, but the beach is

Scenes from Our Week
This week, among other things, we watched the lunar eclipse and celebrated the solstice: we had outings to Arabia Mountain and the High Museum: we spent time at home playing games, working on our projects/crafts and dressing up: and, of course, we celebrated Christmas by opening cards and presents: What will next week bring??

Photo Friday: The High Museum
This week, the girls and I took advantage of our light work/homeschool/activities schedule and headed to the High Musuem of Art to see the Dali exhibit before it leaves! When Camille was little, we managed to get to the High almost weekly for the Toddler Thursday events, and we both have fond memories of our

Around Atlanta: Arabia Mountain
As I walked out the door to head down to the lake to welcome the sun back from the longest night, I immediately had to strip off some layers. For pre-dawn on December 22nd, it sure was hot and humid!! I had planned on taking the girls to the High Museum that morning, but after

yet again, the days are getting longer
funny how it happens, that. Every year, just like last year, the sun does rise after the longest night. And, like last year, I went down to the lake to welcome its return. I’m looking forward to the days getting longer once again, and I’m going to make the most of the days.

Travels in Turkey: Mapping our Stay
Travels in Turkey, Part 11 of 12 Last week, I pulled together all of my posts about our trip to Turkey into a Planning and Itinerary post, hopefully making it so our adventure was a little easier to follow. This week, I’ve worked on creating a map of our travels. View Travels in Turkey –
what i learned today
need to make a Hobby Lobby run: Painted Gifts (Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish ): I love all the amazing things this family creates and does. Reading this expat’s blog inspires me to be more creative. Snowflake Curtain Behind the Tree (wee life) Do I have the patience to make this?? homeschooling: Our first days

Travel Tuesday: Weekly Favorites
This week is looking to be a great one here in Atlanta. Eclipse viewing, maybe a trip to the High and projects around the house. I love what I’ve been reading out there on the web, and I’d love to share my highlights with you. Here are some of my favorites form the week: I

Mondays are for Dreaming: Pont du Gard
“Mommy, the Romans didn’t have train tracks, right?” “No.” “Okay, but they did have bridges, right?” “Yes, remember the big one we went to in France?” “Not really.” Quick internet search for photo. “Oh, yeah, I remember that place!” (Whew.) Between this exchange, which happened two minutes ago, and having recently read Great Kid Trip

Somebody’s Watching Me
Between this video from caspar babypants (aka Chris Ballew from The Presidents of the United States of America)) and Absolutely Mindy‘s wacky ideas, Chloe has been obsessed with obtaining a package of googly eyes. Finally, Rob bought her some the other day. I was sitting at the dining room table, working on Christmas cards yesterday,

Scenes from Our Week
This week, among other things … it was snowy, icy and foggy: we ate comfort food: we got in the holiday spirit: I got a new computer: Rob and the girls broke things: and Chloe got married:

Travels in Turkey: Planning and Itinerary
Travels in Turkey, Part 10 of 12 While I’ve blogged about bits and pieces of our family trip to Turkey this summer, I realized yesterday that I never created an overview of the whole trip. For my own reference, I’d like to have access to all of my writings in one place, and I hope

Travel Tuesday: Weekly Favorites
This week is feeling even better than last week now that I have my own computer again (thank you Apple!!). I love what I’ve been reading out there on the web, and I’d love to share my highlights with you. Here are some of my favorites form the week: After seeing the photos of Paris
what i learned today
local news: Suburban streets, pedestrians often deadly mix I always *hated* driving on Buford Highway. Two miles between crosswalks; what were people riding buses and living in apartments supposed to do?? When killing a child isn’t reckless enough This story has been really difficult for me from when it first happened. I feel horrid for

Mondays are for Dreaming: Hakone, Japan
When I woke this morning, I was not dreaming of Japan. But, as I sipped coffee and read the news this morning, this article from the Washington Post jumped out at me: Going Our Way: A plan for first-timers in Japan. Curious as to what they might suggest, I was thrilled to see that Hakone

GBK Gwyneth