• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

I admit, I’m not the most creative person in the world. I like to believe that I have some inkling of my strengths, my weaknesses. So, when it comes to my Photo365 project, each year I improve on the number of days for which I post a photo, but my skill only very slowly, if at all, improves. Is it worth it at that point? Doesn’t matter. I committed to oing it, and I will continue to do it. This blog, while I try to post at least three times a week, is never anything to write home about. But I do post. Do my posts improve? I highly doubt that, yet I continue to post.

I don’t force the kids to submit to my scheduled projects. We tried a webcast (gbkZoo), but after a few weeks, they got bored. I try to get them to “chat” on our gbk radio station, but they only agree rarely — while it is a bit dry without them, I do make sure to get a new show out every week!

Recently, I started a new project TravelGoon. While my writing is dry, I do manage to post on a regular basis.

I have other ideas for projects, but I am terrified at getting myself into yet one more thing that takes away my time. I have an idea for our gbk radio/blog which I think would be fun. I have an idea for a vegetarian meal planner, I have an idea for a local blog. I have an idea for a new iPhone app. I have an idea, I have an idea. But I already spend too much time with my little AirBook. And I really don’t think I can spare the time to take on yet another project….

Oh well, time to move on to make updates on my other projects…

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