Written by GBK Gwyneth4 May, 2009
Rainy Day in Brooklyn
Museums . New York City Article
I woke up early on Sunday and tried to catch up on all the videos and photos I had taken on Saturday. But by 11am, the kids were still asleep and I was more than ready to get out of the hotel and do something. Unfortunately, the drizzle turned to rain…we found breakfast (the girls
Written by GBK Gwyneth4 May, 2009
gbkZoo videocast Episode #3
episode Article
The GBKids have posted the third episode of their videocast! This episode includes Sing-a-Song, Jump on the Bed and a Visit to the Museum. Stay tuned for future episodes, and please keep the fan mail as well as math problems for Chloe coming in! Next week we will have video from NYC and DC, most

GBK Gwyneth