celebrate: week 32
Coming up this week: 5: National Oyster Day and National Walk on the Moon Day 6: National Root Beer Float Day and National Night Out 7: National Lighthouse Day and National Raspberries in Cream Day and Beach Party Day 8: National Zucchini Day and World Cat Day and Happiness Happens Day Chocolate Zucchini Bread 9:

celebrate: week 31
Coming up this week: 29: National Chicken Wing Day and National Lasagna Day 30: National Cheesecake Day and International Day of Friendship 31: Jump for Jelly Beans Day and Mutt’s Day and Harry Potter’s Birthday and National Avocado Day August: 1: National Girlfriends Day and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day and Lughnasadh and National Raspberry

celebrate: week 30
Coming up this week: 22: Hammock Day 23: National Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24: Amelia Earhart Day and Cousins Day and National Tequila Day 25: National Hot Fudge Sundae Day and National Wine and Cheese Day 26: All or Nothing Day and National Coffee Milkshake Day and System Administrator Appreciation Day 27: Walk on Stilts

celebrate: week 29
Coming up this week: 15: National Gummi Worm Day and National Tapioca Pudding Day 16: National Corn Fritters Day and National Personal Chef Day 17: National Hot Dog Day and Yellow Pig Day and Peach Ice Cream Day and World Emoji Day 18: National Caviar Day 19: National Daiquiri Day 20: National Lollipop Day and

celebrate: week 28
Coming up this week: 8: Video Game Day and Chocolate with Almonds Day and National Ice Cream Sundae Day 9: National Sugar Cookie Day 10: National Piña Colada Day and Teddy Bear Picnic Day and National Kitten Day 11: World Population Day and National Blueberry Muffin Day and All American Pet Photo Day 12: Pecan

celebrate: week 27
Coming up this week: 1: Canada Day and National Ginger Snap Day and National Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day and Build a Scarecrow Day and International Joke Day 2: World UFO Day and I Forgot Day 3: Eat Beans Day and National Chocolate Wafer Day 4: Independence Day and National Country Music Day 5: Workaholics

celebrate: week 26
Coming up this week: 24: International Fairy Day and National Pralines Day 25: Log Cabin Day and National Strawberry Parfait Day 26: Bicycle Patented and National Chocolate Pudding Day and National Canoe Day 27: Sunglasses Day and National Orange Blossom Day and National Pineapple Day and National Handshake Day 28: National Tapioca Day and National

celebrate: week 25
Coming up this week: 17: Eat Your Vegetables Day and National Apple Strudel Day 18: International Picnic Day and National Cherry Tart Day and International Sushi Day 19: Garfield’s Birthday 20: National Ice Cream Soda Day and National Vanilla Milkshake Day 21: National Peaches & Cream Day and Go Skateboarding Day and Summer Solstice and

celebrate: week 24
Coming up this week: 10: Iced Tea Day and Ball Point Pen Day 11: National Corn on the Cob Day and ET movie premieres and Kamehameha Day and Hug Holiday and National German Chocolate Cake Day 12: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day and Red Rose Day 13: Sewing Machine Day and Kitchen Klutzes of America

celebrate: week 23
Coming up this week: 3: Repeat Day and National Egg Day and Leave the Office Early Day 4: National Hug Your Cat Day and National Cheese Day 5:World Environment Day and National Gingerbread Day 6: National Yo-Yo Day 7: National Donut Day – 1st Friday in June and National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and Daniel

celebrate: week 22
Coming up this week: 27: Memorial Day and National Grape Popsicle Day and Sunscreen Day 28: Amnesty International and National Hamburger Day 29: Paper Clip Day and International Coq Au Vin Day and National Biscuit Day 30: Ice Cream Freezer Patented and National Mint Julep Day 31: National Macaroon Day and National Meditation Day June:

celebrate: week 21
Coming up this week: 20: Strawberry Picking Day and National Quiche Lorraine Day and Be a Millionaire Day 21: American Red Cross Founded and National Strawberries and Cream Day I have an almost complete disregard of precedent, and a faith in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things have

celebrate: week 20
Coming up this week: 13: National Apple Pie Day and National Fruit Cocktail Day 14: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day and National Dance Like a Chicken Day 15: National Chocolate Chip Day 16: Wear Purple for Peace Day and National Sea-Monkey Day and Biographer’s Day and Love a Tree Day and Hummus Day 17: National Cherry

celebrate: week 19
Coming up this week: 6: No Diet Day and National Nurses Day and National Crepes Suzette Day and National Beverage Day and Free Comic Book Day 7:National Roast Leg of Lamb Day 8: Have a Coke Day and National Coconut Cream Pie Day and World Red Cross Red Crescent Day 9: National Butterscotch Brownie Day

celebrate: week 18
Coming up this week: 29: Zipper Day and International Dance Day 30: International Jazz Day and National Raisin Day and National Oatmeal Cookie Day and Adopt a Shelter Pet Day and National Bubble Tea Day and National Animal Advocacy Day May: 1: May Day and Global Love Day and National Chocolate Parfait Day 2: National

celebrate: week 17
Coming up this week: 22: Earth Day and National Jelly Bean Day 23: National Cherry Cheesecake Day and National Picnic Day and World Book Day 24: National Pigs-In-A-Blanket Day 25: National DNA Day and National Zucchini Bread Day and National Mani Pedi Day 26: National Pretzel Day and National Kids and Pets Day and Audubon

celebrate: week 16
Coming up this week: 15: Tax Day and National Glazed Spiral Ham Day 16: Square Roots Day and National Eggs Benedict Day and National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day 17: National Cheeseball Day 18: National Animal Crackers Day and National High Five Day 19: National Amaretto Day and National Garlic Day 20: Lima Bean

celebrate: week 15
Coming up this week: 8: National Empanada Day and National Bookmobile Day 9: National Cherish an Antique Day and National Chinese Almond Cookie Day and National Name Yourself Day and National Unicorn Day 10: National Cinnamon Croissant Day and National Farm Animals Day and National Siblings Day and National Bookmobile Day 11: National Pet Day

celebrate: week 14
Coming up this week: 1: April Fools’ Day and The Birthday of Sliced Bread and National Sourdough Bread Day 2: National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day and World Autism Awareness Day 3: National Chocolate Mousse Day and World Party Day and Find a Rainbow Day 4: National Cordon Bleu Day and International Carrot Day and

celebrate: week 13
Coming up this week: 25: Old New Year’s Day and Waffle Day 26: Make Up Your Own Holiday Day and National Nougat Day and National Spinach Day 27: Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day and National Spanish Paella Day 28: Eggsibit Day and National Black Forest Cake Day 29: National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day 30:

GBK Gwyneth