celebrations: week 11 (13-19 mar 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 13: Good Samaritan Day and Ear Muffs Day and Coconut Torte Day March 13th- Good Samaritan Involvement Day 14: Pi Day and National Potato Chip Day and International Fanny Pack Day Pi Day Pencils 15: Ides of March and National Pears Helene

celebrations: week 10 (6-12 mar 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 6: National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day and National Frozen Food Day and National Oreo Cookie Day 7: National Cereal Day and Unique Names Day 8: International Working Women’s Day and National Peanut Cluster Day 9: Mailbox Patented 10: Harriet Tubman Day and

celebrations: week 9 (27 feb – 5 mar 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 27: National Strawberry Day and National Kahlua Day and International Polar Bear Day National Strawberry Day 28: Mardi Gras and National Tooth Fairy Day and National Chocolate Souffle Day and National Pancake Day/b> and International Pancake Day/b> and World Spay Day Cream

celebrations: week 8 (20-26 feb 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 20: Love Your Pet Day and National Cherry Pie Day 21: National Sticky Bun Day and International Mother Language Day National Sticky Bun Day International Mother Language Day 22: World Thinking Day and National Margarita Day 23: National Banana Bread Day and

celebrations: week 7 (13-19 feb 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 13: National Tortellini Day and Clean Out Your Computer Day (second Monday in Feb) National Tortellini Day 14: Valentine’s Day 15: National Gumdrop Day 16: National Almond Day 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day and National Cafe Au Lait Day and My

celebrations: week 6 (6 – 12 feb 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 6: Monopoly Board Game Day and Frozen Yogurt Day National Frozen Yogurt Day 7: Charles Dickens Day and Fettuccine Alfredo Day National Fettuccine Alfredo Day Fettuccine Alfredo Alfredo’s of Rome’s Original Fettuccine Alfredo 8: Jules Verne Day and National Molasses Bar Day

celebrations: week 5 (30 jan – 5 feb 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 30: National Croissant Day and Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day Do you know on this one block you can buy croissants in five different places? There’s one store called Bonjour Croissant. It makes me want to go to Paris and open up a

celebrations: week 4 (23-29 jan 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this past week… Coming up this week: 23: National Handwriting Day and National Pie Day and National Rhubarb Day “Put your John Hancock here.” John Hancock coloritg page Express Yourself Through Handwriting on National Handwriting Day A Brief History of Penmanship on National Handwriting Day January 23rd Celebrate National

celevrations: week 3 (16-22 jan 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this week… Coming up this week: 16: National Nothing Day andInternational Hot & Spicy Food Day and Appreciate a Dragon Day and National Fig Newton Day and Martin Luther King Day Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach –

celebrations: week 2 (9-15 jan 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this week… Coming up this week: 9: National Static Electricity Day and National Apricot Day Hair-raising results Bend water Happy National Static Electricity Day! 10: National Bittersweet Chocolate Day and Peculiar People Day Chocolate printables Chocolate tart Bittersweet chocolate mousse Top 10 for Friday: 10 great songs for Peculiar

celebrations: week 1 (2-8 jan 2017)
We managed a couple of celebrations this week… Coming up this week: 2: Ratification Day, Georgia and National Cream Puff Day Georgia printables Eatocracy: National Cream Puff Day Cream Puff recipe 3: Drinking Straw Day and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Birthday and National Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day and Fruitcake Toss Day “Not all those who wander are lost.”

GBK Gwyneth