I caught these at the Scottish Festival we went to this past weekend.

Clearing the ivy from the woods has allowed many other plants to grow. I did not plant these lilies; they just appeared. Last fall I cleared the area in which they grew, and I was so excited to see them appear this spring!

performance flowers
The girls got these flowers from their granmda after their dance performance the other night.

Where I Have Been II
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I spent the weekend in Chicago with some friends to see Ralph play his adult stuff. It was a fantastic weekend!

more flowers
It is a wonderful time of year for taking photos of flowers. I’m caught up finally, but headed out for another weekend away, so I’ll likely fall behind again on posting photos.

Purple Flower Power
I took this one at the Cincinnati Zoo.

where i have been
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. We went off to Cincinnati to see Ralph’s World perform (yet again)! It was great fun, even if it was broiling hot.

Yellow Profusion
It’s been a few days since I posted. We’ve started some summer things, but haven’t finished up spring things, so there’s some double-duty going on here. I hope that I won’t have to skip daily photos again….but this weekend we’ll be on the road, so …

How Do You Do?
This morning, I took the girls to a birthday party and then we drove to the cabin. Minutes after we had gotten settled in, it started to rain and then hail. I managed to sneak out in a small break of the storms to catch a couple photos, but nothing turned out very well.

Herb Garden
I need to get one of these herb garden-in-a-pots!

Provencal Time of Year
Every year around this time, when we can spend long hours outside, I get the urge to read my Provencal and Tuscan books and to cook meals I imagine we would eat if we were there. The girls cut flowers for our table and trimmed some of our rosemary for me to use in the

Grasping at Straws
The following is excerpted from the AJC article on the recent attempt by parent Laura Mallory to ban the Harry Potter books from the library in her child’s Gwinnett County public school. Bray “strongly” recommended the books stay. Here are her 10 reasons: 1. Mallory hasn’t read any Harry Potter book in its entirety. 2.
The Cats Earn Their Keep
While I was working on the computer downstairs, something ran past me near the floor. I assumed it was a cat, but Chloe said “There’s a chipmunk in the house!” I turned and saw it run across the room. We kept open all the doors downstairs all day, but it didn’t leave. We kept seeing

More Photos of Chloe than Camille
Photography fills my idle time. When I’m alone with Camille, we can both stay busy with her homeschooling work or by reading, but when I’m alone with Chloe, I take on the role of photographer to avoid being cast in the role of jungle gym.

Nellie Mae Pollock
As usual, we went to Toddler Tuesday at the art museum today. The girls spent quite a while looking at the art of Nellie Mae Rowe before heading down to do the art project. Chloe did a great job tracing her hands (like in Rowe’s piece called Peace). Camille decorated her painting then started to

Have You Ever Heard of a
Red Banana? Well, Ralph hadn’t until after he wrote “Red Banana”, which is on the Ralph’s World “Green Gorilla, Monster and Me” CD. Now he’s seen a Green Gorilla at the car wash here in Atlanta. And we bought red bananas at the farmers’ market this week. Maybe next week we’ll find some blue tomatoes.

Ralph’s World Live in Concert
More Ralph’s World fun was had today at The Red Light Cafe. Ralph, You rock!

GBK Gwyneth