daily photo: cheese soup
Today was National Cheese Lover’s Day, and Camille made Wisconsin Cheese Soup for lunch!
daily photo: sunset
Wow, I love those sunsets … I see the evening light reflecting off the nearby buildings and run to the pool deck to just watch the show in the sky ….
daily photo: a view
What is a view worth? Decisions, decisions.
daily photo: camellias
Some friends came over for dinner last night, and they brought us these lovely flowers. How I love having flowers in the house!!
daily photo: chloe
At today’s Boxtop Jenkins concert, Chloe sure did make lots of funny faces!
daily photo: rainy evening
It was a rainy evening in Decatur. But Phelix needs to get walked, rain or no rain.
daily photo: phelix’s sweater
Today was National Dress Up Your Pet Day, and Phelix celebrated!! (But wouldn’t stay still for his photo to be taken….)
daily photo: reflections
The sun was low and casting an interesting light on the reflective windows of this building in downtown Decatur this evening.
daily photo: tired puppy
Phelix was exhausted afther his first 5K. He couldn’t even walk all the way back home!!
daily photo: pizza
Friday night is often pizza night here at our house — and Camille makes great homemade pizzas!!
daily photo: phelix
Again, Phelix with his “bone” walking to the bus — he just loves seeing the bus coming down the street, bringing his girl back home to him!
daily photo: phelix
Phelix has gotten into the habit of going to meet Chloe’s bus each afternoon. We’ve found that giving him a “bone” to chew on as he walks distracts him a bit from eating all the trash on the sidewalks….
daily photo: waiting
“Chloe the bored.” She does not idle well. Entertaining her on long flights (think ATL > Japan), long car trips or even waiting in line at the store has been a constant challenge. But this week, she rocked the long wait at the doctor. Not only did she entertain herself, she entertained me. She even
daily photo: homework
Chloe had her first homework since getting back to school after the break and had a hard time settling in to get it done. Eventually, it and all her chores were done, thankfully.
daily photo: galette du rois
Camille made this lovely “Galette du Rois” today and promises that she found the “king” by chance!
daily photo: waterworks
Despite having lived within a few miles of this place for over a decade, today was the first time I’ve been to Mason Mill Park and the historic waterworks. Phelix is going to love it!
daily photo: gazoo
While Phelix was out on a walk this afternoon, Gazoo decided to check out his very messy pen to see if she could learn more about this noisy creature who has invaded her quiet home.
daily photo: decatur “art”
There is “art” everywhere you look in Decatur …
daily photo: 14 words
Sigh. I was very sad to learn what this means — I was hoping that it was something positive….
daily photo: fog
The new year started out rainy and foggy and grey, not a great day for a hike or doing much outside other than taking the dog out.
GBK Gwyneth