Written by GBK Gwyneth27 January, 2016
snapshots from gooney road – 27 jan 2016
photo-a-day Article
Today is Chocolate Cake Day and Thomas Crapper Day and International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Up at 4:30 to work, take care of things, get the girls off, walk the dog, clean, make a chocolate cake. Mid-morning I headed to the gym to meet with my trainer (shoulders day) and then walk on the treadmill for a while. Back home it was time for a shower and another dog walk before working more and prepping dinner. Mid-afternoon, I took the bus to Georgia Tech to attend a talk by an IBMer who works in disaster response. Rob met me there and we took the train home together. I then ran to the store for milk and garlic, then made dinner. Rob and Chloe went to the Decatur Makers meeting.
- Finished listening to This American Life: 214: Family Physics while on the treadmill after my strength training session.
- Went to From Chaos to Clarity: Humanitarian Disaster Response at IBM
#BestDayEver #day0122
GBK Gwyneth
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