Written by GBK Gwyneth6 May, 2015
time for a change.
exercise Article
As much as Phelix loves his happy place (Phelix’s Glade) and I love to take him there, I realized that it is time for us to add more places to our hiking roster.
While it is *easy* to go to the same place over and over and not have to think about what we’ll encounter while there, I’m finding that I’d like to get out for more walks. Arabia is too far away to go there more than once (or twice if I’m lucky) a week. Moreover, the face of the mountain is too hot in the summer, even in the mid-morning.
So I’ll be searching for closer, shaded, mostly deserted (I prefer to not be surrounded by people and cars while on a walk) “hikes”. Maybe we’ll find some gems. Hopefully we’ll get out a bit more than we do now. Here’s to new adventures!
GBK Gwyneth
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