city living ups and downs
Yesterday, Phelix and I drove Camille down to the Boys and Girls Club for her homeschool class. While the club is about two miles away and easy walking distance, I generally end up giving her a ride one way or the other. It is close enough that it only takes me about twenty minutes round-trip, but I also think it is good for her to walk as well. I do like living close to the club. And next year, the girls’ schools will be .4 and .7 miles away. Easy walking distance! Yeah for living in the city!
After dropping Camille off, Phelix and I parked at home and then went for a lovely walk on the square. The sky was a crisp, brilliant blue. People were happy. The dog enjoyed our nice walk.
Unfortunately, as we walked down the street to head home, I could hear the building fire alarm. Despite my planning my time well, I was trumped by movers who pressed the wrong button in the elevator … Frustrated about not getting to go in and get to work, I nevertheless took advantage of the fire alarm to chat with my neighbors as well as my firefighting friends.
GBK Gwyneth
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