making connections.
Recently, I’ve added German to my daily Duolingo routine. Many of my coworkers are German as are some of our customers. I always saw German as an impossible language, but, at least at the beginner’s level, it is not so complicated.
One thing I’ve found with learning German is that it helps me with making connections. Sometimes these connections are real, and sometimes I’m like the dad in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” when he explains how “kimono” has its roots in Greek.
Today I made a eureka connection that is so obvious, I slap my head thinking about it. But that led to the possibility of a connection that I never would have guessed. “Soup” and “supper” share the same root (not surprising!). But then reading this article, I now think that “broth” and “brothel” also share the same root??
The Etymology of Soup and Stew

GBK Gwyneth
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