swap shop.
The lady next to us was digging through a pile of art and said “I wish they’d put prices on things!” My mom and I looked at each other, and I gently said, “This is the Swap Shop …. it’s all free.” She was quite surprised by this little Eastham secret.
The Swap Shop….. I have something I no longer need? I take it there… someone else wants it.
Some trades happen in the lot even before getting to the shop … One lady took our extra sheets. I asked a man for his hangers. One lady gave me her tomato cones.
Today I was a bit jealous of some of the finds. One lady got a nice firewood basket and another person found a great bucket.
Last year, my mom gathered beach toyrs and a tent for my nephews. Then we took the stuff back for another family to use.
Friends and visitors laugh — why in the world is the first “tourist attraction” I take people to …. the dump? Because the Swap Shop has books, games, hole punchers. wreaths, old bottles, it is like a tiny flea market where everything is FREE!
Why don’t we have these shops EVERYWHERE???? Apparently, like all other great things, there is controversy …. Swap shop controversy…

GBK Gwyneth
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