Did you know today is National Vinegar Day?
Co-workers and friends tease me all the time for my ceaseless reporting of each day’s holiday.
Planet Money has reported on the the origin of these “holidays” in It’s National Garlic Day. Who Is Making Up These Weird Holidays? and Episode 765: The Holiday Industrial Complex:
From 1985 to 1986, Congress passed 664 laws. Of those, 227 were about “commemorative periods,” like National Bowling Week or National Birds of Prey Month. Eventually it got so out of hand, the House of Representatives passed a rule to stop it. Here’s where made-up holidays come from now.
So while these “holidays” generally have little or no meaning, I keep on celebrating. Why? Because it’s fun! And I get to try new things like making Yorkshire pudding and macaroons.

GBK Gwyneth
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