Written by GBK Gwyneth8 July, 2019
celebrate: week 28
celebrations Article
Coming up this week:
8: Video Game Day and Chocolate with Almonds Day and National Ice Cream Sundae Day
9: National Sugar Cookie Day
10: National Piña Colada Day and Teddy Bear Picnic Day and National Kitten Day
11: World Population Day and National Blueberry Muffin Day and All American Pet Photo Day
12: Pecan Pie Day and Simplicity Day
13: National French Fries Day and International Puzzle Day and Embrace Your Geekness Day
14: Bastille Day and National Mac and Cheese Day
Our celebrations from week 26:
1: National Ginger Snap Day
3: Eat Beans Day and National Chocolate Wafer Day
4: Independence Day
7: Chloe’s Birthday and Macaroni Day

GBK Gwyneth
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