Written by GBK Gwyneth24 June, 2019
celebrate: week 26
celebrations Article
Coming up this week:
24: International Fairy Day and National Pralines Day
25: Log Cabin Day and National Strawberry Parfait Day
26: Bicycle Patented and National Chocolate Pudding Day and National Canoe Day
27: Sunglasses Day and National Orange Blossom Day and National Pineapple Day and National Handshake Day
28: National Tapioca Day and National Bomb Pop Day
29: National Waffle Iron Day and National Almond Butter Crunch Day and Great American Picnic Day
30: Meteor Day and Social Media Day
Our celebrations from week 25:
18: International Sushi Day
21: Take Your Dog To Work Day
22: National Onion Rings Day

GBK Gwyneth
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