Written by GBK Gwyneth3 June, 2019
celebrate: week 23
celebrations Article
Coming up this week:
3: Repeat Day and National Egg Day and Leave the Office Early Day
4: National Hug Your Cat Day and National Cheese Day
5:World Environment Day and National Gingerbread Day
6: National Yo-Yo Day
7: National Donut Day – 1st Friday in June and National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and Daniel Boone Day and National Moonshine Day
8: World Oceans Day and Best Friends Day and National Get Outside Day and Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day and National Rosé Day
9: National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day and Donald Duck’s Birthdayand National Children’s Day
Our celebrations from week 22:
27: Memorial Day
28: National Hamburger Day
29: Paper Clip Day
31: National Macaroon Day
1: National Go Barefoot Day

GBK Gwyneth
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