celebrate: week 50
Coming up this week:
10: National Dewey Decimal System Day and Human Rights Day and National Lager Day
“Do We” Really Know Dewey?
Human Rights Day
11: International Mountain Day and National Noodle-Ring Day
International Mountain Day
German Noodle Ring with Cheese Sauce
12: National Poinsettia Day
Poinsettia Day
13: National Cocoa Day
Hot Cocoa
14: Monkey Day and National Bouillabaisse Day
Monkey Day
Bouillabaisse with Roasted Yellow Squash Chickpeas
15: National Cupcake Day and International Tea Day
The Best Lemon Cupcake Recipe Ever
Red velvet cupcakes
16: Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Our celebrations from week 49:
3: National Roof Over Your Head Day
4: National Cookie Day
5: International Volunteer Day and National Comfort Food Day
8: National Brownie Day

GBK Gwyneth
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