celebrate: week 9
Coming up this week:
26: National Pistachio Day and Tell a Fairy Tale Day and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
February 26 – National Pistachio Day
27: National Strawberry Day and National Kahlua Day and International Polar Bear Day
National Strawberry Day
28: National Tooth Fairy Day and National Chocolate Souffle Day and National Pancake Day and World Spay Day
1: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
2: National Banana Cream Pie Day and Namesake Day and Dr. Seuss born
3: National Cold Cuts Day and National Anthem Day and National Mulled Wine Day
National Cold cuts Day
‘Star-Spangled Banner’ becomes official U.S. anthem, March 3, 1931
4: Learn What Your Name Means Day and National Grammar Day and National Pound Cake Day
Sour Cream Pound Cake
Our celebrations from week 8:
23: National Dog Biscuit Day

cape cod dog – 23 feb 2018[/caption
24: National Tortilla Chip Day
[caption id="attachment_28500" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] tortilla chips – 24 feb 2018

GBK Gwyneth
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