celebrate: week 1
Coming up this week:
1: New Year’s Day
“One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above the little things.”
– John Burroughs
New Year’s printables
Eat Black eyed peas and collard greens soup
Take a hike
Find a geocache
Polar bear plunge (Ft Mt/Pine Lake)
2: Ratification Day, Georgia and National Cream Puff Day and World Introvert Day and and Swiss Cheese Day
Georgia printables
Eatocracy: National Cream Puff Day
Cream Puff recipe
3: Drinking Straw Day and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Birthday and National Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien
Paper straw garlands
Straw wreath
Write your name in Elvish in ten minutes
Coloring page
Lake-town market salad
Smaug’s meaty bits
Cheddar soup (for the Hobbit’s soul)
January 3 is National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
4: Trivia Day and National Spaghetti Day
January 4 is National Spaghetti Day
5: National Bird Day and National Whipped Cream Day
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
– Chinese Proverb
Origami birds?
Bird’s nest cookies
Felt birds
Bird walk
National Bird Day
January 5 is National Whipped Cream Day
6: Three King’s Day and National Shortbread Day and Bean Day and Fruitcake Toss Day
Take down the tree
Make king cake
National Shortbread Day
National Bean Day: Why It’s Jan. 6
7: Old Rock Day and International Programmers’ Day and National Tempura Day
“Leave no stone unturned.”
– Euripides quotes
Paint pet rocks
International Programmers’ Day
National Tempura Day
Tempura recipe
Our celebrations from week 52:
25: Christmas
26:National Candy Cane Day
28: National Chocolate Candy Day
31: New Year’s Eve and National Champagne Day

GBK Gwyneth
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