my boy.
Feeling awful, icky, gross today. Oftentimes, women can’t admit to having those days, because we are then labeled as the “weaker” sex.
I admit, there is a day or two in my cycle when I am achy and miserable and not quite at the top of my game. Thankfully this month that day came on a day following a great day at work for me and on a day that my co-workers had a holiday.
It’s a cycle. There are days when I’m at the top and nothing gets in my way. I outperform everyone around. And then there is a day (or maybe two) when I’m just getting by. This does not mean that I am worth less than my male counterparts. Only that I know (and usually can predict) that I might need a “mental health” or slow day where I only do the menial tasks, and leave the heavy thinking for the next day.
And my boy gets me. He knows that I work hard, but when I don’t feel well? He loves the extra cuddle time.

GBK Gwyneth
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